Monday, October 11, 2010

Bad Days Happen Too

    I want to thank everyone who reads these things. I try to keep a positive spin on things when I am writing. Doing that helps me help myself. It teaches me how to focus on the positive side. But sometimes I fail. Sometimes I have bad days. I feel the need to share those days too. I want to represent a more accurate capsule of my existence. Ready, go.....

   All this chemo is finally catching up to  me. I left the house to have lunch and go shopping with my cousin and somewhere picked up a cold. I have very few white blood cells, thus no immunity, so it wasn't very hard to get sick. I avoid crowds of people because they are so...germy. I am kicking myself for obviously dropping my guard and neglecting my sanitizer.  I have been taking iron tablets because I don't have any red blood cells either and  those tablets make me really nauseous. Then I take my nausea meds and those make me really tired. Throw some cold medication on top of that and I am useless for hours. I had to drag my pitiful body  to the lab twice today. I used to park in the farthest spot and walk to get some exercise. Today I parked right by the elevator. I am short of breath and tired and pale white. It turns out that I have even fewer red blood cells than I thought, my doctor has ordered a transfusion of 2 units of blood.  I look like a ghost, a bald ghost. I am the same color I remember being before my surgeries. This makes me worry about the cancer becoming resistant to treatment and growing again. I am actually relieved to find out I only need some red blood cells. If I can only make it until tomorrow, because I feel like a wet pile of noodles. I am emotionally friable and cry at the drop of a kind word. And I have a huge spider bite on my elbow.

   Whew, that's it. Thanks for reading.


  1. You are amazing!!!! I am so thankful that you are sharing this all you don't know how much it helps me and other's out here...even though I don't have cancer I have other issue's with anxiety and depression and when I read of your courage and strength it inspire's me to put one foot in front of the other everyday!!! You are the bomb and thank you again for everything!! Love you girl!!!

  2. be strong but remember that none of us are unbeatable at one time or another. this is only a temporary set back and you have already come so far. keep your chin up and I will keep you in my prayers. hope today was a better day for you.
