Monday, May 14, 2012


     I guess I can call myself a Survivor. It's been a year since my last chemo treatment. My oncologist, Dr. L, tells me he cannot see any evidence of disease. No Evidence of  Disease. NED. The holy grail of oncology. This is when other survivors tell of "doing the dance", the NED dance. I've seen women dance out of Dr. L.'s  office gleefully on the way back to their lives. I've seen women whoop and holler at their victory. Why can't I dance and whoop and holler? 

     I guess I am in Remission.  I can dance some before falling down. Whoop! Holler! Most women with ovarian cancer can achieve remission at least once. Ah, there it is, the nugget of discontent, I am in my first remission. Most women with ovarian cancer have a recurrence within 2 years. I am halfway through my first remission. I will most likely return to treatment. Whoop. Holler.

    I guess I am in Intermission. I feel the need to live life to it's fullest during this time, this precious timespan of no symptoms, no treatment, no cancer. I must not waste this time. I spent 6 months recovering from my last surgery and it's consequences. I have even less time now. I must not waste this even shorter timespan.

    I guess I need to get busy.


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on your intermission. I am whooping and hollering for you. Positive thoughts being sent your way.
